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Trademark Class 34

This is a detailed guide to Class 34 of the trademark classification system. Trademarks must be applied for or registered within specific categories, each of which encompasses a distinct range of goods and services. In this document, we will explore the trademark classification of goods specifically under Class 34. For an overview of all trademark categories, please refer to our complete trademark category finder.

Trademark Class 34: Tobacco and Smoking Products

Trademark Class 34 pertains to tobacco, smokers’ articles and matches.

The following goods are also classified under Class 34:

  • Tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes)

The following goods must NOT be classified under Class 34:

  • Cigarettes without tobacco, for medical purposes.

Comprehensive list of goods classified under Trademark Class 34
  • absorbent paper for tobacco pipes
  • ashtrays for smokers
  • books of cigarette papers
  • chewing tobacco
  • cigar cutters
  • cigar cases
  • cigar holders
  • cigarette tips
  • cigarette filters
  • cigarette cases
  • cigarette holders
  • cigarette paper
  • cigarettes containing tobacco substitutes, not for medical purposes
  • cigarettes
  • cigarillos
  • cigars
  • electronic cigarettes
  • firestones
  • flavourings, other than essential oils, for tobacco / flavorings, other than essential oils, for tobacco
  • flavourings, other than essential oils, for use in electronic cigarettes / flavorings, other than essential oils, for use in electronic cigarettes
  • gas containers for cigar lighters
  • herbs for smoking*
  • humidors
  • lighters for smokers
  • liquid nicotine solutions for use in electronic cigarettes
  • match holders
  • matchboxes
  • matches
  • mouthpieces for cigarette holders
  • oral vaporizers for smokers
  • pipe cleaners for tobacco pipes
  • pipe racks for tobacco pipes
  • snuff
  • snuff boxes
  • spittoons for tobacco users
  • tips of yellow amber for cigar and cigarette holders
  • tobacco
  • tobacco pouches
  • tobacco pipes
  • tobacco jars