PESO License for Storage of Petroleum in above ground Tanks - Procedure, Documents Required, Fee Charges, and Validity

Updated on January 24, 2025 10:51:11 AM

Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organization (PESO) is a central government organization entailing significant responsibilities regarding storage, handling and transportation of Petroleum products in the country. The regulation that governs the storage of petroleum in above-ground tanks is called the PESO license, which is compulsory for every business involved in the storage to meet legal and safety standards. This license is crucial for ensuring optimal safety measures and legal conformity with the maximum possible risks of hazardous substance storage. The PESO license is not an added bonus but a standard that was deemed necessary to prevent future mishaps that stem from wrong handling of commodities.

This process implies following certain rules for getting this license; for example, the proper storage placements should be planned and kept as per the approved safety standards and regulations. Another aspect of compliance is the annual inspections and audits, which guarantee adherence to the safety requirements. Moreover, the measures provided by PESO contribute to the establishment of measures to prevent risk associated with the processing, storage, transportation, and sale of petroleum products to the environment, the health of employees and the community at large. Thus, proper and adequate licensing from the appropriate authorities prove the business’s willingness to adhere to safety standards, legal requirements, and the proper handling of petroleum products.

What is a PESO license?

A PESO license is an essential license needed to store, transport, use, and handle petroleum, explosives, and compressed gasses in India. The organization is under the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry.

Thus, the PESO license covers mandatory requirements for assessing safety standards laid down in the Petroleum Act of 1934, the Explosives Act of 1884, and the Gas Cylinders Rules of 2004. It is compulsory to industries, gas agencies, fuel stations, and even persons who deal in LPG, CNG, petroleum products fireworks, etc.

In order to obtain a license, one is supposed to fill out an application, in which details are entered on PESO’s official site, and these include the type of substance, facility, and measures being taken. When it comes to setup, the application is followed by inspections and approvals to ensure that setup complies with the safety standards meant to prevent risks such as fire, explosion, and harm to the environment.

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Benefits of PESO License for Storage of Petroleum in Above-Ground Tanks

The PESO license for the storage of petroleum in above-ground tanks offers numerous benefits, ensuring both operational efficiency and safety compliance. Key advantages include:

  • Legal Compliance: The PESO license is very important as it safeguards storage facilities from legal problems or even penalties due to violation of the law as stipulated by the Petroleum Act, 1934, and the Petroleum Rules, 2002.
  • Safety Standards: The PESO license restricts the likelihood of storage tank mishaps such as fire outbreaks, explosions, or accidents through the regulation of safety measures in the design, construction, and operation of the structures.
  • Consumer Confidence: The license has clauses on inspection frequencies as well as safety measures that must be strictly followed.
  • Insurance and Risk Management: Measures required by PESO standards contribute to appropriate storage and handling of oil and petroleum products and, thus, minimize the risks that generate large-scale pollution in the environment.
  • Operational Efficiency: The non-compliance to PESO standards and failure to get the license helps avoid interruptions or slows down business processes since it is prohibited.
Benefits of PESO License for Storage of Petroleum
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Procedure to Obtain PESO License for Storage of Petroleum in Above-Ground Tanks

To obtain a PESO license, there are several procedures that must be followed, such as:

Step 1: Determine the Type of License Needed

  • Petroleum License: For storage, distribution, and handling of petroleum products.
  • Explosive License: For manufacturing, storage, and handling of explosive substances.
  • Compressed Gas License: For storage and handling of compressed gasses.

Step 2: Prepare Required Documents

Typical documents include:

  • Application form (available from PESO or its regional offices)
  • Proof of identity and address
  • Site plan/layout
  • No Objection Certificate (NOC) from local authorities
  • Details of safety measures and equipment
  • Technical qualifications of the responsible personnel

Step 3: Submit Application

  • Online: Through the PESO online portal (if available) or the Ministry of Commerce and Industry’s website.
  • Offline: Submit the application form and documents to the nearest PESO regional office.

Step 4: Inspection

  • The PESO officials will visit the site to ascertain levels of compliance safety regulations and requirements.
  • The report of the inspection shall form part of the assessment.

Step 5: Fee Payment

  • Submit the appropriate fee as is mentioned in the fee structure of PESO. The fee of the service is dependent on the type and nature of the license being sought.

Step 6: Review and Approval

  • All the submitted papers containing the application documents along with the report following the inspection conducted through PESO shall be delved into.
  • If all papers are correct, then the license will be issued.

Step 7: Issuance of License

  • Once the license is approved, PESO will be the one to grant it.
  • The license may have certain stipulations that make it renewable after specific durations and may contain compliance checkups.

Step 8: Compliance

  • Comply with all the safety and operation requirements provided by the license and regulation.
  • The compliance checks as well as inspection may be carried out by PESO on a regular basis.
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Documents Required for PESO License for Storage of Petroleum in Above-Ground Tanks

To obtain a PESO license for storage of petroleum in above-ground tanks in India, the following documents are required:

  • General Documents
  • Specific Documents for Above Ground Storage
  • Application form XV (AG)
  • Bank draft of requisite license fee
  • 4 copies of approved drawings
  • Certificate of incorporation
  • PAN card and Aadhaar card
  • Sale Agreement or Registered Rent Agreement
  • Ownership documents of the storage site
  • Detailed drawings of the storage installation
  • Certificate of Safety
  • NOC from local authorities
  • Proof of financial capability
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Fee Charges of PESO License for Storage of Petroleum in above ground tanks

The fees for a Petroleum & Explosive Safety Organization (PESO) license for storage of petroleum in above-ground tanks are:

  • Initial approval: 2,000 rupees
  • Grant of approval: 2,000 rupees
  • Renewal fee: 2,000 rupees

Note: Professional fee charges for PESO license is ₹49,000

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Validity of PESO License for Storage of Petroleum in above-ground Tanks

A license issued for storage of petroleum in above-ground tanks can be obtained from the Petroleum and Explosives Safety Organisation (PESO), and this license is issued for a period of 3 years and can be renewed every 3 years. The renewal application has to be made in the manner as prescribed under Rule 165 of the Explosives Rules, 2008.

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The PESO license for the storage of petroleum in above-ground tanks is crucial to safety, conformity to the laws, and preservation of the environment. It involves compliance with safety measures as provided in the Petroleum Act of 1934 and petroleum rules of 2002, thus protecting against fire, explosions, and environmental risks. They comprise a physical assessment of the site with the submission of necessary papers and finalization by PESO authorities. The license is valid for a period of 3 years, hence allowing constant safety compliance through the annual inspections. Noncompliance or the failure to renew a license attracts severe consequences, such as shutdowns and legal actions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is a PESO license necessary?

PESO license guarantees that road tankers display high levels of safety and are in compliance with relevant regulations. It aids in curbing accidents, spilling, and other environmental challenges, hence making the handling of hazardous products safe and in compliance with the law.

How long is the PESO license valid?

The PESO license in the case of petroleum road tankers is for a period of three years. It has to be renewed from time to time while the renewal application is filed in compliance with Rule 165 of the Explosives Rules, 2008.

Can I apply for a PESO license online?

Certainly, the application may be filled online via the PESO portal or the respective Ministry of Commerce and Industry website if it is provided. However, there is an option to apply for them in any of the PESO regional offices under this modality filled out.

What happens if I do not obtain a PESO license?

The transportation of petroleum products without the PESO license puts the carrier and conservers at serious legal risk and increases chances of dreadful incidents as well as incur heavy fines and legal repercussions. As it has been pointed out earlier, it is important to adhere to the legal specifications on PESO regulatory compliance for safety.

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