Step-by-Step Guide to 12A Registration Online in India Procedure, Fees, and Documents Required

Updated on January 24, 2025 04:56:14 PM

Section 12A registration is a crucial step for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in India to gain tax exemptions on their income. Introduced under the Income Tax Act, of 1961, this registration allows NGOs to focus on their charitable, educational, or religious activities without the burden of tax liabilities. The process applies to Trusts, Societies, and Section 8 Companies, enabling these organizations to seek exemptions under Sections 11 and 12 of the Act. Having been registered, such organizations also attract more donations because the donors enjoy the exemption benefit under Section 80G.

The NGO has to submit Form 10A online along with essential documents: the trust deed or incorporation certificate, financial statements, and details of activities. The jurisdictional Income Tax Commissioner after that reviews the application, and after satisfying the statutory requirements, he may approve it. 12A registration is permanent unless canceled and does not carry a time limit.

Such registration increases transparency and credibility, thus strengthening NGOs' philanthropic goals. Organizations working to create societal influence recognize 12A registration as an indispensable tool for most effectively optimizing resources to expand their outreach.

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What is 12A Registration in India?

12A Registration is a provision of the Income Tax Act, of 1961, for Non-Governmental Organizations, Trusts, Societies, and Section 8 Companies. They conduct charitable, educational, or religious activities and avail themselves of tax benefits by receiving income tax exemption on their surplus funds, which means that they could have more resources to meet their philanthropic objectives.

It serves to promote social welfare as organizations operate free of tax liabilities to fund their activities. A registration offers credibility to the organizations involved besides serving to exempt them from payment of taxes. An organization needs to submit an application in writing to the Income Tax Department along with the relevant supporting documents such as the trust deed, financial statements, and activities conducted.

12A Registration is the ground on which NGOs and alike depend. It is believed to make their operations sustainable and effective.

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Benefits of 12A Registration in India

12A Registration provides several benefits to NGOs, Trusts, Societies, and Section 8 Company registration involved in activities that are charitable or religious. Here are the significant advantages:

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Documents Required for 12A Registration in India

To apply for 12A Registration under the Income Tax Act, of 1961, an organization must submit specific documents that demonstrate its eligibility and compliance with the legal requirements. Here’s a list of essential documents required:

  1. Trust Deed / Memorandum of Association (MOA) / Articles of Association (AOA)
  2. PAN Card of the Organization
  3. Proof of Registration
  4. Financial Statement
  5. List of Governing Body Members
  6. Details of Activities
  7. Address Proof of the Organization
  8. Form 10A
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12A Registration Process

The process for obtaining 12A Registration under the Income Tax Act, of 1961 involves several steps. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to apply for 12A Registration:

Step 1: Ensure Eligibility

The organization should be a Trust, Society, or Section 8 Company registered for charitable, educational, or religious purposes.

Step 2: Prepare Documents

Collect necessary documents such as the Trust Deed, PAN card, financial statements, and details of activities.

Step 3: Fill Form 10A

Apply online through the Income Tax e-filing portal by filling up Form 10A with details of the organization and its activities. Attach documents and submit your application on the portal.

Step 4: Review

The applicant will be reviewed by the Income Tax Department. Extra information may be requested.

Step 5: Approval

Once it is approved, the organization shall receive the 12A Registration that grants tax exemptions.

Step 6: Maintaining Compliance

One has to ensure continuous compliance that involves filing returns and submitting documents as the Income Tax Department requires.

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12A Registration Fees

The Income Tax Department has not specified any particular amount of fee for registration for 12A. This process is free of charge for the organizations that qualify under this act.

Note: The application itself is filed online, through the Income Tax Department's e-filing portal. No direct fee is payable while filing the form.

  • Professional fee for 12A Registration in India starts from ₹5,000
  • Note: The aforementioned fees are exclusive of GST
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Validity and Renewal of 12A Registration in India

12A Registration granted to an organization is usually a lifetime. It allows the organization to enjoy tax exemptions on income derived from its charitable, religious, or educational activities. However, though the registration does not require periodic renewal, it can be revoked or canceled under certain circumstances if the organization fails to comply with legal requirements or engages in activities that deviate from its registered objectives.

Maintaining good records, filing returns, and continuing its charitable activities, following the regulations of the Income Tax Department, will be maintained by the organization in respect of 12A. In case of structural and activity changes, significant amendments must be communicated to authorities for compliance.

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12A Registration is the most important tool for organizations in India undertaking charitable, educational, or religious activities. The registration process allows them significant tax exemption to put more resources into the welfare objectives of the respective entities. Registration itself doesn't have renewal requirements but keeps the same complaint to the legal and regulatory system for retention of the benefits.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is 12A Registration?

12A Registration under the Income Tax Act, of 1961, helps NGOs, Trusts, Societies, and Section 8 Companies gain exemption in taxation on income produced by charities, religious work, or any educational purposes.

Who can obtain 12A Registration?

To be eligible, the organization must be a Trust, Society, or Section 8 Company registered for charitable, educational, or religious purposes. It should be a non-profit concern that reinvests the income towards its objectives.

How do I apply for 12A Registration?

Application for 12A Registration can be submitted online by using the e-filing portal of the Income Tax Department by filing Form 10A along with supporting documents.

How long is the validity of 12A Registration?

Once issued, 12A Registration is lifetime and not time-bound. However, the license can be canceled in case the organization fails to adhere to the compliance rules or goes off from its objectives of being a charitable organization.

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