How to raise incidents on GeM

GeM Incident Management(IM) System:-

The GeM portal for public procurement of goods and services has been launched by the Indian government. The GeM is being launched to simplify the procurement process for public sector organisations and to promote MSMEs in India.

The Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is a system based on trust. Because self-declaration is essential, the GeM platform requires robust automated processes to penalise any deviant behaviour. Similarly, good buyer behaviour is critical in instilling seller confidence in GeM’s ability to provide the best price and quality.

However, many deviations can occur during or after contract allotment. In such cases, buyers and sellers can file complaints about the discrepancy through the gem Incident management system. The system is intended to handle complaints and grievances about gemstone vendors and participants.

Table of contents:

What is the GeM incident management system?

GeM implemented this Incident management system (IM) to prevent incidents that could result in product loss, damaged goods and services, and fraud on its portal.

The IM system is an automated system that aims to increase buyer trust by penalising any illegal behaviour both during and after contract allotment. The system also assists in identifying and resolving issues to protect buyers and sellers on the portal.

The government of India has updated deviation in this new GeM 3.0 update to increase the GeM’s reliability and transparency.

Objectives of Incident management?

  • Enhance transparency, liability & communication among buyers & sellers
  • Enhance incident management and prioritize a solution-based approach
  • It ensures that processes and procedures are regularly updated for effective and speedy responses.
  • Introducing an incident management system aims to make the gem platform safer and more trustworthy for buyers and sellers.

Who can raise an Incident:

  1. Buyer on GeM
  2. Sellers or service providers
  3. GeM admin in case of post-contract incidents
  4. GeM portal in case of the rise of incidents by the Gem portal, the same procedure as indicated in the policy would be applicable.

Types of deviation of GeM

GeM classified deviation into the following types:

1. Mild deviation:- Mild deviations are defined by GeM as minor documentation errors and errors in listing products and services in irrelevant categories, with a maximum of two such deviations per rolling 30-day period.

2. Serious deviation:- Deviation can be termed as Intentionally deceiving the quotation or policies either by the Buyer or Seller. The category also includes data duplication and non-delivery of products and services.

To rectify such deviations, said parties will be given 15 days to rectify the deviation if the deviation still needs to be rectified within the stipulated time. Then the GeM administrator will post a “show cause” notification on the user’s dashboard, asking for a response within next 7 business days.

3. Severe deviation:- As per the described rules by GeM causes of severe deviation can be as is follows:-

  • Deceiving MRP
  • Fake documentation
  • Violation of guidelines of the GeM
  • Not complying with the rules of the contract after the allocation
  • Withdrawal or any modification in the bid within the validity period

Violators will be given at least 7 days to correct the error. If the problem is not resolved within the specified time, the gem admin will notify the user via their dashboard.

4. Grave deviation:- The Grave incidents have a negative impact on the GeM platform’s reputation/credibility. The violators will be asked to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

In the event that the buyer/seller fails to correct the deviation, the reporter of the incident can escalate the incident to the gem admin, and an auto show-cause notice will be automatically sent to violators.

How to raise incident on GeM

Step-1: Login into your GeM account using registered username & password

Step-2: Once logged into account, locate the “Need help” section and click to proceed further.

Step-3: Once the prompt section is open navigate to the “report a incident” tab and click to proceed.

Step-4: Furthermore a new prompt section will open up, now navigate to the “New Options” section & click on it to raise an incident. Provide the necessary details & documentation and submit your grievances with GeM.

Potential areas of deviation identified by GeM:

Area of deviationsPre-contractPost-contract
During registrationIncorrect informationmisleading documents, Such as financial information fake credentialsNil
During listingsIrrelevant product or service listingInaccurate submission to mislead the buyersMisrepresentation about authorisationMismatch of quoted MRPFake or poor quality productsConflicting products or services
During tender procesMisleading documentsunauthorized products & servicesviolation of integrityFraud behavior during tender processFail to complete contractsNon delivery or delaysPoor performance or substandard servicesFails to provide additional required document after the allotment of project

Provision for appeal by sellers

  • Sellers or service providers can only appeal after the imposition of penalties
  • They must be made within 10 calendar days of the imposition of penalties
  • The APPEAL provision for sellers and service providers will be available only once per incident
  • The APPEAL process is only accessible if new, relevant evidence emerges since the GeM Competent Authority made the decision
  • The status of Seller/SP will not change during the period of consideration of APPEAL

Closure of Incident:

  • Incidents can be closed by the concerned person (without escalating to Gem admin) who has raised it in the first place if the incident has been rectified.
  • GeM admin can also close the incidents once they are escalated. To close incidents, sellers/service providers must submit the required information regarding rectifying deviations in the incident management system.
  • GeM Admin can close the incident after the escalation by “Buyer” in cases where Seller & service provider fulfills the cause deviation & the Buyer also confirms the same on the dashboard (with supporting documents where required) after availing the opportunity to rectify the deviation.