eTender and procurement process in Tamil Nadu

Online – eTender and Procurement process in Tamil Nadu

The government has implemented electronic tender portals to boost the participation of SMEs in public procurement. Vendors must sign up for eProcurement systems in order to bid on public contracts from government agencies.

All of the work to assign contracts is done digitally. Due to eTenders’ user-friendliness, speed of implementation, and cost-effectiveness, the government has made their usage obligatory.

Clients can use e-tenders to find the most qualified vendor for their unique needs and projects.

  1. What is an eTender & eProcurement system?
  2. Types of eTender
  3. Selection procedure of vendors
  4. How to register on the Portal?
  5. What are the benefits of eTendering?
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQs

What is an eTender Procurement system for vendors?

The term “eProcurement System” refers to the method of getting contracts or bids digitally over the internet.

The bidding process is shortened and indirect costs are reduced. In addition, it makes the whole purchasing procedure more transparent.

Types of etenders

The type of tender depend on the complexity of the project and the amount of specialism necessary to accomplish it.

Open tenders:

The most common form of bid is an open bid, in which any qualified bidder can take part in the actual bidding process in real time. Vendor can find all of the tender details on the etender portal and submit their request.

Selective tendering:

When a project requires highly specialised knowledge and skills, selective tendring is utilised to solicit bids from a select group of suppliers.

The authorities start by vetting potential contractors, based on their past performance and the required expertise.

Negotiation tendering:

The client initiates communication with the suppliers or contractors to discuss the terms of the project. Since these jobs rely for a very specific set of skills, they are usually given to a single contractor.

Selection procedure of vendors

  1. Determining the Tender Process: The body responsible for assigning tenders will decide which tenders will be used and disclosed. Once the tender has been finalised, the following stage is to determine how to obtain information from the contractors.
  1. Expression of Interest (EOI): An expression of interest (EOI) is a pre-selection screening technique. Before receiving detailed quotations, this procedure is used to reduce the number of interested parties.

The Client can then use a selective tendering procedure to solicit bids from interested vendors. It speeds up the process and ensures that only interested parties submit quality bids.

  1. Request for Information (RFI) : RFIs are employed to gather data regarding the project’s requirements. It is a document that enables entities to understand the requirements of the project and the abilities of the providers. The tendering process can then be started by the organisation.
  1. Request for Proposal (RFP): A formal document known as a request for proposals (RFP) asks suppliers to submit a detailed action plan.

It contains in-depth details about the project’s issues as well as the business objectives and deadline.
5. Request for Quotation (RFQ): This document is more explicit in that it requests the Client’s particular needs and expects providers to provide price quotes.

How to register on the Portal for eTenders in tamil nadu

  • The eProcurement platform simplifies eTender registration for suppliers and bidders.
  • Choose the Online Bidder Enrollment link on the eTenders website to access the online registration form. Once the profile creation is completed user can it to lon in. 
  • Use your username and password to log in, and then map your class 3 Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) with your account to finish the procedure.

BID Submission process via eProcurement Portal

  1. Upon completion of the DSC mapping, bidders may log in with their login and password.
  1. To access the Portal, enter your username and password.
  1. You may modify certificates and purchase orders, among other documents, on the My Documents area of your profile.
  1. Before submitting a bid, it is possible to peruse the solicitation notices and download the related documents for a thorough evaluation. (A bidder may access the solicitation without logging onto their profile.)
  1. Once all prerequisites are met, the BOQ should be finalised and posted without any modifications to the template. To the BOQ, bidders may only add names and values.
  2. Prepare and submit the bid documents in the only acceptable format.

Benefits of eTendering

  1. Paperless online process:  The entire procedure is carried out online using a secure eTender platform, from the creation of vendor profiles through the distribution of government contracts to contractors.
  1. Cost-efficient and time-saving process: As opposed to the conventional tender process. The eTendering and procurement approach drastically reduces the monetary expenses and saves time
  1. Live tenders on a secured portal: After a tender is posted, it will remain visible on the Portal until the submission deadline has passed. The publication of a conventional tender might take months, and there is often a great deal of supplementary information that is not easily accessible on traditional channels.
  1. Transparent procurement policy: Online tendering and procurement eliminates the opportunity for corruption and is more dependable and transparent than traditional approaches.

Tips to stand out from your competitors in bidding

  • competitive bidding
  • Give it more authority and know-how.
  • Your professional history and background
  • By using the latest technology and experts in the field, they may be able to add value to their project.
  • Show them that you know what they want and that you have experience in the field.


eTenders make the public procurement process more reliable, easy, and quick, and they give small businesses the same chance. Electronic tendering is becoming more popular, which is good for both buyers and sellers.

Frequently asked questions

What is the fee for tenders in tamil nadu?

Registration on eTenderportal of tamilnadu is free of cost and requires only authorised class-3 DSC of the vendor

What is the validity period of the profile after the e-tender portal registration?

As long as the “digital signature certificate” (DSC) is being used, the eTender Portal profile will stay active. When the DSC runs out, vendors have to renew it.

How to view & download tenders online on the eTender web portal?

As long as the “digital signature certificate” (DSC) is being used, the eTender Portal profile will stay active. When the DSC runs out, vendors have to renew it.

What is the validity period of the digital signature certificate?

DSCs can only be used for up to two years and must be renewed on time. Without a digital signature certificate, once DSC is inactive, vendors can not participate in etendering.