Can trademark hearing be done through video conferencing?

Can trademark hearing be done through video conferencing?

Trademark hearings in India can be conducted through video conferencing under certain circumstances. The Trademarks Act, 1999, and the Trademarks Rules, 2017, provide provisions for holding hearings through video conferencing. However, it is essential to note that video conferencing hearings are not mandatory, and parties can request an in-person hearing. Additionally, the rules surrounding video conferencing hearings may vary depending on the specific case and the jurisdiction of the Registrar. In this blog, We will get a brief guide about trademark hearing through video conferencing.

Table of Content
1. What is a Trademark hearing?
2. Can trademark hearing be done through video conferencing?
3. Process of trademark hearing through video conferencing
4. Documents required for trademark hearing through video conferencing
5. Conclusion
6. FAQs

What is a Trademark Hearing?

A trademark hearing is a legal proceeding in which parties involved in a trademark dispute present their arguments, evidence, and testimony before a designated authority to resolve the dispute. The purpose of a trademark hearing is to allow both parties to present their cases and for the designated authority to make a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented.

Trademark hearings can be held for a variety of reasons, including opposition to the registration of a trademark, cancellation of a trademark, infringement of a trademark, or revocation of a trademark.

Can trademark hearing be done through video conferencing?

Trademark hearings can be conducted through video conferencing in India. The Indian Trademarks Registry has introduced e-filing and video conferencing facilities to ensure uninterrupted services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The use of video conferencing has become a popular method for conducting hearings and other legal proceedings in India, and it is widely accepted by the courts and tribunals.

In fact, the Indian Trademarks Registry has issued guidelines for the conduct of video conferencing hearings, which provide details on the procedure to be followed, the technical requirements, and the precautions to be taken to ensure the authenticity and integrity of the proceedings. These guidelines ensure that the hearings are conducted in a fair and transparent manner and that the interests of all parties are protected.

Process of trademark hearing through video conferencing

Trademark hearing through video conferencing is becoming more common due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the need for social distancing. Here is a general process for a trademark hearing through video conferencing:

  1. Schedule the hearing: The first step is to schedule the hearing with the appropriate authority or court. The date, time, and platform for the video conference should be agreed upon by all parties involved.
  1. Pre-hearing preparation: Before the hearing, both parties should prepare their arguments and evidence. They should also ensure that they have the necessary technology and equipment to participate in the video conference.
  1. Joining the video conference: On the day of the hearing, all parties should join the video conference at the agreed-upon time. The moderator or the court clerk will join the conference as well to manage the hearing.
  1. Introduction and agenda: The moderator will introduce all parties and set the agenda for the hearing. The moderator will also explain the rules and procedures for the video conference.
  1. Presenting arguments and evidence: Each party will present their arguments and evidence to support their case. They may use screen sharing to display documents or other evidence.
  1. Questioning and cross-examination: The opposing party may question and cross-examine the other party’s witnesses. The moderator may also ask questions to clarify any issues.
  1. Closing arguments: Both parties will have the opportunity to make closing arguments summarizing their case.
  1. Adjournment and decision: After the closing arguments, the moderator will adjourn the hearing and provide a timeline for when the decision will be made. The decision will be communicated to all parties involved.

Documents required for trademark hearing through video conferencing

  1. Power of Attorney
  2. Evidence
  3. Proof of business
  4. Examination report
  5. Affidavit of Practice
  6. A document that assures the credibility and authenticity of the trademark in question.


Trademark hearings in India can be conducted through video conferencing, which has become increasingly popular due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indian Trademarks Registry has issued guidelines for the conduct of video conferencing hearings, ensuring that they are conducted in a fair and transparent manner while protecting the interests of all parties. The process of a trademark hearing through video conferencing involves scheduling the hearing, pre-hearing preparation, joining the video conference, presenting arguments and evidence, questioning and cross-examination, closing arguments, and adjournment and decision.

The required documents for a trademark hearing through video conferencing may include a power of attorney, evidence, proof of business, an examination report, an affidavit of practice, and a document that assures the credibility and authenticity of the trademark in question.

Frequently Asked Questions [FAQ]

Is it mandatory to conduct trademark hearings through video conferencing?

No, it is not mandatory to conduct trademark hearings through video conferencing. Parties can request an in-person hearing if they prefer.

Can all trademark hearings be conducted through video conferencing?

The decision to conduct a trademark hearing through video conferencing depends on the specific case and the jurisdiction of the Registrar.

What are the benefits of conducting trademark hearings through video conferencing?

Conducting trademark hearings through video conferencing allows for remote participation, which can save time and costs associated with travel. It also allows for hearings to be conducted during the COVID-19 pandemic while following social distancing guidelines.

What are the technical requirements for conducting a trademark hearing through video conferencing?

The technical requirements for conducting a trademark hearing through video conferencing may vary depending on the specific platform being used.